WALKTHROUGH Leon's " From Coastline to Atmosphere "

Map 9;
(filename; leonHL2-2h.bsp)

You will start where the last map ended, in that small room, press on one door to open it. It will not open but Hallucinate gas will come out of the walls. From here a trip starts that will show some strange events. Most of them I won't have to explain because you can do nothing else as look at them. At some time you find yourself outside at night, with in front of you a screen with mounted on it a machine gun, use that one to kill all zombies and fast zombies, walk on and climb on a ladder that brings you to the roof. Walk over the roof to the end and climb here through a window. Again, i don't have to explain anything until you find yourself in some kind of computer hallways with patrolling combines.

Stand behind the combine that patrol to the end, when he gets there another combine will stand next to him. Walk up to them until one of them will attack you. Walk as fast as you can back and walk around the computer walls in the centre of the room. Best way to walk as fast as you can is by using the jump function; you will see that you get faster forward when you jump as when you walk! Walk around and up to the next combine, do the same thing as what you did with the first combine. At the end in a corner you will find a door that opens for you, run/jump in to it and when you're lucky the combine that comes after you will be stopped by a glass shield that comes between you. The combine will get killed by the floor that comes up under him.

The door in front of you opens and there you find a weapon on the floor, go on and you will come in a huge complex. Be aware of not falling down between the catwalks and huge cylinders, because this will kill you. Walk around and combines will come through opened doors, every time when this happens and you have killed them, go to that opened door where they came through, because there you will find extra health packs. Finally you have killed them all and the last combines have given you excess to get out of there. This will bring you to a strange dark place with glass hallways. Walk to the end where a ammo box stands on the floor, just before you can grab it the floor will break. Go back because now the place will start to fall apart. Go all the way back to where you came from, finally you will fall down and come in those moving hallways where the level started with. Walk back and forwards what will bring you to a movie theatre, walk down and the screen will open. Kill the combines, climb on the stage and crouch through the round opening. At the end you will go to a new place. You will find yourself in a street flying over combines. From here all will go automatically, until you have to fight at the end again against some combines.
