WALKTHROUGH Leon's " From Coastline to Atmosphere "

Map 8;
(filename; leonHL2-2g.bsp)

You will find yourself in the satellite in space, when needed take some extra health from the charger right in front of you. Walk around through the doors that lead you further into the satellite, (I know, the toilet room is a bit strange looking for a satellite, but there where only so many textures in HL2 that could be used, and unfortunately there where no real SF textures to choose from). Be sure to go in to the rooms that can be opened in the hallway, after you have opened the sliding door by pressing the small red button beside it. In some rooms extra ammo can be found. Just fight on, this is all very simple to follow. Finally you will find yourself before a glass wall with small red button under it.

Best thing to do is first lower all 3 elevators by pressing all 3 buttons beside each other. When you have killed all creatures that come below, than step on one elevator and press a red button in front of you that will take you up. You will get in a small space with at your right side extra ammo and health. Than crouch out of there through a vent that has to be broken again. Jump down in to the nest part of the satellite. This is again all straight forward. After a while you will find yourself in a huge complex with glass floors above you. At some point you find a console, press on this and a small button will be showed in front of you, press that one also.

A strange sliding door will give excess to the nest part of the satellite. From here on it gets quit hard, numerous flying manhacks will attack you, the best way to get through this part is by pulling back towards this corner and take cover there until you have killed them all.

When you have taken them all out you can go on, walk all the way through the end where a small door in the wall will open. Crouch through it, some toxic smoke will hurt you. Go on, break the vent on the end, and you will see red lasers in front of you, just in front of them you can find one extra battery on your left side in a small corner. Just crouch under the red lasers through and follow your path until the end where a sliding door will open in 2 parts. After another sliding door you will find yourself again in the big hall right beneath the glass floor. Walk on until you are in a small room, (where a combine was standing right behind a door). Press here on a console, this will open a bridge of some sort, and also will it let you attack extra manhacks. Walk over this opened bridge all the way to the end where a new door will open and close behind you. You’re now in the main power complex where you have to disrupt the electrical system. Jump over a small wall at the end on a vent that gives smoke under you.

From here on it's walking carefully over the vents to the end, some kind of elevator will lower down. Step in it and press the button in it. The whole thing will move sideways. At the end you can jump on a glass floor and climb a metal ladder to the top. From here you can go to the right and jump on a light box that gives you excess to 2 metal ladders, climb on these to the top.

From there you will see in the distance a health charger and suit charger. Go back and jump down. In front of you will see an opening, crouch through it. Just climb and crouch on, you will have to go through several vents and over small ledges, and up some elevators they will bring you to the other end of the complex. It's quit a long way to crouch but finally you can jump down in some small space with a small piece of glass in the floor and some electrical cabinet beside the wall. A door is opened on it, press on the installation inside it and you will disturb the electrical system.

After the place falls apart you will see that falling parts from the ceiling will break the glass floor. Jump down through it, hoping there is no back up system. But this one starts immediately. A door will open; go through it in a small space. A computer voice will tell you things and some smoke will occur. Than you will notice that this installation takes all your weapons and suit away. Walk on, you will see Dr. Breen, he will run away again, follow him all the way. He will beat you to it and will be gone behind a corner. Look around and go through a door that opens for you. In the wall in front of you a sliding door will open what gives excess to weapons and ammo. Don’t have to tell you that you have to take them, walk on until you can't go any further. Combines will attack you from behind, kill them and go all the way back. In the main hall more combines attack you, go where they came from. In that small room you find more ammo and health (Easter egg). Go back and more combines will come after you, go through the door where they came from, walk on to the end.
