WALKTHROUGH Leon's " From Coastline to Atmosphere "

Map 3;
(filename; leonHL2-2c.bsp)

The map starts where you ended the last one. Drive on and you will find again a guardhouse and a underground garage with combines. In there is extra health and power and some ammo. Drive passed the garage on the dirt road.

I said it also above but will mention it here again, should your jeep land on his back, than fire at it with your gravity gun. This will make him flip over again, shoot so long until it stands on it's wheels again. You can drive on around the water that you find behind the garage, but there you will be attacked by combines. Another good tip is that when you use the weapon on your jeep, than press while you aim the Z keyboard button, this will make that you can better aim because you zoom in. Take out all combines and drive on with your jeep, over the small wall towards the white house. 2 Openings in the white house are closed with wooden fences; you can break them with your crowbar or by shooting at them, or blow them up with a grenade.

Drive the jeep through and follow your road over a small wooden bridge behind the white building.

Drive the jeep over the bridge all to the other end. There you will find again such a wooden fence, break it again. Behind it you will find a cargo elevator. Drive the jeep on to it; this will make that the floor breaks of the elevator. Drive on with you jeep below but be aware all of all the resistance that you get of the combines. Once you killed them all you can drive on, until you’re locked in between metal sliding doors. Just drive the jeep back, or walk back.

A door will open and 2 combines will run out of it. When you go in to the door opening where they came out from a sliding door behind you will open. Go through the gate, walking or with the car. Be aware of all the explosive barrels that drop on to you, and the combines that attack you from above. From there you can only go to the right, go all the way to the end, there you will find another door that can be opened.

Go in and up the stairs, after another stairs you will come out of the building at the other side, above the street where you where before. 4 combines will come below you out of a door, go to there because there you can find a health and suit charger. All powered up walk back and jump over the railing and walk over a small ledge towards the other side of the street.

Over that small ledge you can walk all the way around toward a small garden with a small wooden house. Jump down on the grass and enter the little house. In there you will find a button that shows how a metal door opens that gives excess to a small way under water. Jump in the water and swim through the small opening under the grass through.

At the other side you can come out of the water. You will find yourself in a small room, with a door that leads to the road at the other side of one of the sliding doors where your jeep is standing at the other side. Beside the automatic machine gun that fires at you from a hole in the wall you will find a button that opens the garage door that gives you back excess to your jeep. Take it and drive it through until another garage door is opening at your right. Drive the jeep outside again and be aware of all the combine activities there. Specially be aware for 2 combines in a small tower at your right, they will otherwise fire at you in your back. Once you have killed them all you can walk towards a small wooden guard house beside a gate that closes a way over the water.

In this guardhouse you find a button to open the gate, drive through it towards the end of this 3rd map.
