Map 11;
(filename; leonHL2-2j.bsp)
You have come into the centre of the satellite, from where the air is pumped through the whole place. Follow your path; you can go only one way so I won't have to explain much about this part, other than there is one hole somewhere in the floor. And under it you find a death friend and extra ammo and a health and suit charger. Just fight you way all through to the end. There is a hole in the floor where you have to jump through. This brings you to some kind of burning system where they burn head crabs that don't seem to function right. The Gas trap. Again is this a difficult part. Go through the door on the left side, behind it you find crates with extra health and a valve at the wall that controls the burning process. When you turn the Valve when the fire is on it will kill it with water. As soon as you go out again it will start to burn because some death and one alive head crab will fall out of a opening in the wall. Go back and kill the fire with the valve. When you go on around the corner you will be attacked by 3 combines at the end behind a closed gate. There is only one way to get through this part. You run as fast around the corner, don't mind the combines shooting at you for now, and just concentrate on a place to hide for the fire. Just before the gate at the end you find a small space at the right side of the hallway.
(on the screen you see the small place at
the right side of the hallway where you can hide, the fire is already out and
the gate opened)
It's small and the fire will still burn you, look therefore as soon as you arrive
there for the valve to put the fire out with water. As soon as you have done
that turn around and kill the combines while you shoot through the gate, ones
you have killed them all 3 you open the gate with a small button that is also
to be found there.
Go on by looking for a vent shaft that closed with a frill that you can break.
At the other side you go on until you get in a big hall with lots of computer
consoles, be aware of all the combine activity there, once you have killed them
you can enter the main air chamber from where you have to go back to earth once
you have killed dr. Breen and G-man. You will hear G-man speak to you for the
first time, now you now they are together and therefore have to be found together.
A huge door will open and once you go through it you have to fight again for
you're live. This is come kind of hangar for spaceships and around it on the
catwalk will combines attack you. At the end on the left side you find a small
closed sliding door with in front of it 2 crates with health and batteries,
for sure you will need them by now. The sliding door will not open and you have
to go back, be aware of the 2 combines that are now standing behind you, they
came there by opening a door that is behind them in the wall. You can go through
it, up the stairs what brings you to the catwalk upstairs. Collect all ammo
of the dead combines and look for a yellow door that brings you to the main
teleport chamber from the hangar.
Once you entered the room 2 combines will
come through the teleporter and try to kill you, when you have killed them go
to the computer console at the left side and press on it, this will lower some
kind of glass/water like shield that activates the teleporter. Step in it and
it will let you fly in to the upper part of the teleporter.
With a flash you get to the other side of it, in another part of the satellite.
At you right you see extra ammo crates and on your left side a huge sliding
door that can be opened with a small button that is placed in the wall on the
left side of the door. Behind the door you will be attacked by flying manhacks
that fly around there and than come out of small spaces in the ceiling that
are opened automatically. When you walk around the corner at the end look for
a open window at your right side.
Climb/jump through it and walk further to the end, there you will find a closed door and you have to go back, when you're back halfway you will be attacked by 4 white (Elite) combines that come after you, kill them and go back again. Because they have opened the door on the end that was previously closed. In a small room with an installation you can find extra health and ammo again. Go all the way back again and climb out of that window that you came through.
In front of you, you see the main laser installation that is off line, press on the console that stands in front of it and you will get information. Now you now that you have to bring it back on line again, to do so you have to walk a little bit back and climb through a small opening, (see screen!)
Beneath you, you will find a small opening, climb through it and you will find an health and suit charger, and at the right side of you there is laying on the ground a big plug. This plug has to be connected in to the wall, but it's so heavy that you can't carry it with your hands.
Therefore you have to go back and look for your gravity gun. Once you climb out of it again you will see a big sliding door open at the other side of the laser installation, and 3 combines will attack you. Kill them and go through the opened sliding door, there you will find a whole in the floor, jump through it to a lower level. A cable elevator is waiting for you to bring you down further in to the complex, use the buttons to move the cable elevator. Once you're down at the other end you find a door on your left side, behind it you find a death combine and some head crabs, and you're gravity gun. Take it and go up again with the cable elevator. Once you're upstairs you find 2 doors on your left and right side. Only the doors on you’re right side is open, behind it you find another elevator that will bring you back up to the level with the laser installation. Walk past the laser installation and go back in that hole in the wall where you have to connect that plug. Pick it up with the gravity gun and put it in the wall box. You will see red light and hear sounds so you know you have connected the system again. Go back up to the computer console that stands in front of that huge laser installation and press on it again, now you will see that it is activated.
You will see and hear a blue laser that starts connecting itself around the main hall, follow the blue laser by walking all the way back that you came. Don't jump down, that will kill you. You have to find another way to follow the blue laser through that hole in the ground. Walk back again towards the door with that hole in the ground and jump through it a second time.
You will now see that the other door is opened, go through it and take the normal elevator up. There you go through a door and down the stairs. Under the stairs you find a grill in the wall that you have to break to get through. Follow the path and you get outside again in the main hall, on a small catwalk that goes around a corner where you find a small elevator. Take this one down to the lower level and look for the place where the blue laser goes in to the ground. Once you walk up to it you will see how this special pod transport installation works. A pod lowers and a computer controlled arm takes it down in to the hart of the satellite. Than the arm comes back up empty.
Before you go down with this pod elevator
you can find a lot of extra health and batteries as Easter egg when you walk
past this elevator and at the end on your right side you find a small opening
just above the ground. You have to use the gravity gun to get it all out.
Jump on the small ledge of the pod elevator and press on the control board in
front of you. This will lower the pod elevator with you on it. Once the elevator
stops look around, nearby you, you will see a small ledge that goes all the
way along the wall, and at the end you find a small opening where you can climb